Kinza Hashmi and Saboor Aly have set the internet soaring with their cute video on social media. The Ruposh star has a perfect BFF bond with fellow actress Saboor and the recent post says it all. Recently, the Ishq Tamasha actress shared an adorable video on Instagram while doing her BFF’s make-up. In the video, the Waada actress can be seen sitting on a chair, and Kinza Hashmi can be seen showing her magical make-up tricks on her BFF’s face.Sharing the video, the actress wrote in the caption, “When @sabooraly was forced to sit in that chair and let me do the magic!”
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Sydney Bernice Sweeney (born 12 September, 1997), known as Sydney Sweeney is a Hollywood actress. She originally earned notoriety for her roles in the TV shows Sharp Objects, Everything Sucks!, and The Handmaid’s Tale. She made an appearance in the 2019 Quentin Tarantino movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Shefali Jariwala is renowned for her self-assurance and love of herself. Shefali has always been a proponent of body positivity and self-love in a field that is fixated on size zero numbers and unattainable beauty standards. Shefali Jariwala recent images in a blue bikini are evidence of her self-assurance and love for herself. She is confident in herself and doesn’t mind showing off her curves. Many young girls who deal with body image issues have looked up to her as a role model, and she has encouraged them to accept and love their own bodies.